Woodbine Elementary Playground Fundraising Campaign

Hosting for this page is provided by the Woodbine Parent Association for the Woodbine School Playground Committee free of charge. This is the only URL on this domain that is managed by the Playground Committee – all other pages are part of the Parent Association.

For all matters regarding the playground, please contact the school or the playground committee.

Woodbine Elementary Playground Fundraising Committee

Why are we getting a new playground?

The current playground was built in two phases. The oldest phase is at the end of its projected lifespan, as determined by Calgary Board of Education (CBE) engineers.

The CBE has given us notice that this half of the playground is due to be replaced, and the other half will be due in 2028. As pieces of equipment fail, they will not be replaced. If we don’t take action and begin to plan now, there will be no playground at the school in the future.

Doesn’t the CBE pay for this?

Nope! The CBE provides ZERO funding for playgrounds. While it is part of the school, it is not paid for by the school. This campaign has been designed to raise funds for the new Woodbine Elementary Playground.

What will the new playground look like?

Over the past two years, the Woodbine Playground Committee has engaged with School Admin, community members and multiple vendors to develop the intentional design principles of a future playground and begin the fundraising and sponsorship process. The group considered concepts such as the development of physical literacy to create a rendering of a playground.

How much do we have to raise?

The projected cost is between $700,000 to $800,000 and we hope to raise that in the next 2-3 years. The playground currently has a large footprint with multiple sections designed for the different divisions.
This means our fundraising goals are on the higher end of typical Calgary school playground costs. It is recommended to maintain the size to accommodate our large school.

How do we donate on a larger scale?

The Woodbine Elementary Playground Fundraising Campaign has various sponsorship options:

COMPONENT SPONSOR (please contact playground committee at woodbineplayground.com)


  • Framed thank you note from students at Woodbine School
  • Recognition of sponsorship on permanent playground donor sign based on donation level
  • Recognition of sponsorship on playground website based on donation level
  • Recognition of sponsorship in press release announcement in Woodcreek Chronicles
  • Invitation to the Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening event

If you would like more information on how to donate or volunteer for this important initiative, reach out to [email protected]