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The Parent Association is holding our 17th charity casino fundraiser on January 21st and 22nd at Cowboy’s Casino.
Our last casino raised $77,527.29 – 100% for the benefit of the school!
In the past this funding has been used to for:
- In-class Technology, such as Chromebooks and smart boards
- Field Trips
- Artists in residence
One shift worked by one person will raise about $2,000 for the benefit of the school!
Usually the feedback from this event is that it’s a fun night to work with friends!
This fundraiser is 100% volunteer run – we need volunteer turnout to run the casino, or $0 will be fundraised, and future casinos would no longer be available to the association. Not every school is able to fundraise this way, and its success depends on the help of volunteers like you!
Signup to Volunteer Here:
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