T.H.I.N.K Day – Parent Presentation April 13th @ 6:30pm

As this is a Woodbine School event, please direct all questions/comments to the school.

T.H.I.N.K. Day (True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind) Coming April 13th

Student Presentation:

When: April 13, 2023 During the school day

We are excited to announce that Grade 4-6 students will participate in an in-school presentation that covers issues such as being mean, rude, and disrespectful to other students, the importance of speaking the truth, the power of their words, acknowledging that everyone has a gift, the impact of media including violent video games, bullying, cyber bullying, online responsibility, inappropriate pictures, and rumors, gossip and drama.

The presentation occurs in the morning, after which the students are then sent to their classrooms to write down any questions they have regarding the subject matter presented, this is done anonymously.  In the afternoon the facilitator will work with individual grades answering their questions that are read anonymously by the teachers. 

A component of this presentation also includes charges under the Criminal Code of Canada that are applicable to those who choose to bully or cyber-bully others in various ways.  All of the components are discussed in an age appropriate manner so the students understand how they can make a positive impact on their environment and the school culture.

Parent Presentation:

When: April 13, 2023 @6:30pm

In the evening, we welcome ALL parents to attend the presentation, whether or not your student is in Grades 4-6.  Parents will be provided with the same information that your children received in an abbreviated format and from a different angle.  In addition, about the potential dangers of social media (Tik Tok, YouTube, Snapchat, YouTube Shorts, Instagram, Vsco, Be Real, etc.), violent video games, and potential charges under the Criminal Code of Canada and how to best navigate the ever changing social culture with our children. The purpose of the session is to cause parents to think about their parenting style and the bad habits that they have carried over from when they were raised.  This is a very powerful session for parents to attend for the sake of their children.

 The parent evening will be open to parents only as the content will go into more detail and will not be age appropriate for students at Woodbine school.