School Clothing is ready to order!!! – Orders close Oct 9th

*Please note – this is the only planned sale for this school year.

Ordering instructions are below and a more detailed version is attached.  If you are unsure of sizes, you can pop in to the school today between 9am and 1pm to try on samples in the main entrance.  There is also a sizing chart and pictures of the items attached.

Woodbine School Clothing

Please see Detailed Ordering Instructions and Samples of Clothing

Ordering instructions for Woodbine School Clothing!

1.     Go to

2.     Create a New Parent Account or log-in if you already have an account

3.     If creating a new account, fill in the parent information in the first form

4.     Add a student, enter their name and select Alberta, Calgary, Woodbine School and their classroom (all grades and teachers are there)

5.     Once your student is added you can select “Order Now” from the main homepage for the Clothing order

6.     Create 1 order if possible (even if its for multiple students, just order under one) as there is a small payment processing fee on each order

7.     Carefully select the items and sizes you want (size chart is in the email and also as a link in the event instructions)

8.     You can save your order and keep adding until Oct. 9 or check out right away.

9.     School clothing will arrive in November and be distributed at the school

*Please note – Orders close on Oct. 9 (the event date is not accurate for ordering or delivery)