Healthy Hunger Fun Lunches are Back!

Dear families, 

Fun lunches are back at Woodbine!

Starting in September students will have the opportunity to order a fun lunch each month. There is a couple extra “treat” days this year! Our fun lunches give students an opportunity to eat, socialize with their friends, and take part in fundraising for our new playground. Fun lunches are organized and run by the Woodbine Parent Association and our amazing volunteers. 

How do I participate?

This year’s fun lunches will be provided through Healthy Hunger. To sign up, go to and click “Register Student”. After your account is created, you will be able to view and order all upcoming lunches. Payment must also be completed online. Please note that if you have an existing Healthy Hunger account (from previous years, or school apparel orders), you can simply log in to order your lunches.

All lunch dates are currently available to view and order. Please keep in mind that the orders will close approximately 1 week prior to the lunch date. The first lunch date is September 25, 2024 from Subway. CUT OFF to order or make any changes is September 19, 2024After this date we are not able to edit or make any changes

Subsequent dates feature a variety of restaurants, and each restaurant offers a number of choices.

There is also the option to donate a lunch for a student in need. Should you wish to donate a lunch, simply select this option as a part of your order.

Teachers and parent volunteers in the school the day of Fun Lunch can also go into Healthy Hunger and order a meal for themselves if they choose to do so. You can create yourself under “Staff” or “Other”. Please choose “STAFF OR OTHER” or your lunch will be included with all the students. 

Thank you to the parents that have already donated lunches to students in need!! It is very appreciated and I am sure the students will be very thankful as well.

Fun Lunch Guidelines

– Fun lunch is only available during lunchtime

– Unclaimed lunches will be returned to the volunteers

– your name MUST match the name on the lunch items

What if my child is away on fun lunch day?

A parent or sibling may pick up the students lunch from the volunteers during the lunch hour.

If the lunch is not picked up, there will be NO Refunds


We will require a few volunteers to help with organizing and distributing lunches on each day. Volunteers will need to be at the school for 1-1.5 hours and MUST have their CBE volunteer police clearance.

To sign up, please select the volunteer option when you order lunch. This is located at the top of each lunch order. You can sign up for each day individually, and will be contacted closer to the lunch date to confirm the details for that day.

​​​​​​​Healthy Hunger Info.pdf